My Hours (Eastern Standard Time)

Sundays 1:30PM - 7PM | Wednesday-Friday 5PM - 9PM | Saturdays 12PM - 9PM

I am out of office Mondays and Tuesdays.

If you are interested in booking an astrological consultation, I ask that you send your chart data 24 hours prior to our session.

Please use the contact form to do so after placing your booking.

Should you prefer, I also provide astrological consultations via Email. Please include your request for this in the “Additional Notes” section of your order submission.

Natal Chart Analysis & Consultation

Your natal chart functions as a cosmic road map: though it may suggest certain paths, the journey is ultimately yours to create. If you’ve ever wondered what your planetary placements might have to say about your journey, this reading is for you.

Using concepts and techniques from Hellenistic Astrology, we will examine the positions of your planets, their strengths and/or weaknesses, various timing indicators and other notable aspects. Looking far beyond just your Sun sign, we’ll uncover ways to best maximize your chart’s strengths and find structured solutions for effectively harnessing into the energies you were born with.

Unpacking the Angles

We’ll delve into the intricacies of the four houses said to influence a person’s life the most. Ideal for those seeking a quick yet thorough analysis of their most prominent houses, complete with practical guidance for upcoming transits & methods of spiritual remediation.

The Guiding Light

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This reading is best suited for those who feel stuck, lost or generally at a dead-end in their spiritual journey. Whether from trauma, loss or the effects of a challenging set of transits, this reading can help get you back on course. Beneficial for spiritual reorientation, The Guiding Light offers an in-depth look into both natal and transiting factors that create chronic issues in specific areas.

Transit Analysis

Transit analyses are useful when inquiring about a specific planet’s impact or transits pertaining to a specific issues, Scoping over the course of either 3 or 6 months intervals, I employ an array of techniques and approaches to assist in gaining clarity for the future. This reading is great when planning major events, rituals or simply finding the course to take with a new project.

Gnosis of the Nodes

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Disruptive in their nature, the Nodes of the Moon play a significant role in our understanding of astrology and a person’s chart. As catalysts for the eclipses, these hidden points serve as “chapter markers”, beginning and ending various storylines throughout our journey. These points may herald major changes when activated, particularly in the lives of those sensitive to their influence.

In this session we’ll discuss the importance of the nodes in your chart from the standpoints of Hellenistic and Evolutionary astrology. Learn more about the karmic inflections left in your previous life as well as the subtle nuances present in this one. You’ll leave with a better sense of what your natal nodal placement has to say regarding the strengths you entered this experience with.

The Starlit Lamp

Designed to show where your strengths and abilities reside from a magickal perspective. Along with an assessment of your spiritual proficiency, I’ll offer guidance for connecting with your most prominent chart ruler, ritual suggestions for connecting with your guardian planet, and guidance on cultivating your spiritual light.

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A Year in Time (future-based sessions)

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We’ll look at the year ahead at the next 12 months from the date of your booking or the date of your Solar Return (birthday). Along with pertinent ingresses, transits, and other timing indicators, we’ll examine how all of these co-join to relay impressions of a tangible yet fully moldable future.

Along with important aspects we’ll identify and discuss Profections, which can be useful for determining which area of your life will be most active during a given year. As always, practical advice is offered to assist in whatever way you choose to grow.

Astro Check In

These check in sessions are intended only for my regular and returning clients. If I’ve looked at your chart within the past six months and you have further inquiries regarding an aspect or something that came up, feel free to schedule a check in so we may discuss further.