"Hired!" Fixed Vigil Candle for Steady Work

"Hired!" Fixed Vigil Candle for Steady Work

from $29.95

In an increasingly difficult job market, landing work that meets your needs and pays well can seem impossible. But it doesn’t have to be!

My “Hired!” bath salts assist with obtaining gainful employment. Whether hourly, salary, or freelance, “Hired!” works best for manifesting steady work where needed.

“Hired!” vigil candles can be used alongside other conjure products, such as Fast Luck for quick employment turnarounds, or Money Magnet to increase your overall earnings. Burn it alongside a petition, or on top of a resume while job-hunting to improve job prospects and overall success.


To Get the Best Results From Your Vigil Candle:

•Trim your wick to about 1/4” before lighting to ensure a clean, even burn. For safety and stability, avoid moving your vigil once lit.

• If you’re unable to let your candle burn through and need to put it out, always snuff it out with your fingers or a candle snuffer. Never blow out your candle’s flame as this “blows out“ the energy.

Have faith! :) Remaining focused on your goal is critical for successful manifestation.

Can’t burn candles at home? Candle services are available in the options tab below.

Sold as a curio. All candles are made-to-order to ensure quality.

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